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Writer's picturepvavirai

Life as an Expatriate

Pack your bags, grab your mind and get ready to meet the world and most importantly to help the less priviledged. I started my journey in 2018 and the urge to quit at the Harare airport was so big. Its been a journey this far, a mixture of feelings. To an outsider (at least per my experience), my status means "money", to my colleagues it seems "just prestige but no results", what about to myself? I will explain a bit

  1. It means leaving behind my family and asking myself several times if I am normal, if I am a good mother, if I am already starting to go a mental case. It involves a lot of discussion with my small children on why I leave them behind. It means a lot of tears some unseen. I am an expatriate together with the family I leave behind - we experience pain but we love each other to say "mum go and work and be happy and when you come back you will find us waiting" and " kids be good to my sister and remember mum loves you and when she comes back you will get a small holiday". It often sounds like a bribe :)

  2. It means arriving in a new place , meet new friends, experience new culture and dive into it. It means creating my second, maybe it becomes first home I am not sure. It also means bonding with people and suddenly they leave (one can be lucky if they meet again with the good people). I have met good people and may never see them again - painful.

  3. It means often being in a big room or apartment all by oneself and not sure what else to do - there is often a lot of alcohol abuse in the name of socializing - covering up some gap.

  4. It means spending so much time trying to understand a context, creating professional relationships and often leaving at a time results were almost materializing ( whether there will be continuity, heaven knows - maybe next expat follows same cycle as well) - Vicious!

  5. It means receiving bad news of your father having been involved in an accident and first thing coming to mind is that maybe he is dead - how heartbreaking. In some cases it means close family members die and you ain't there to see them - and to stay positive some graduate.....list is long

  6. Most of the friends I have made by the way, just like me do not completely seem normal - its as if we are running away from something unknown, but we love what we do anyhow. The stressful work drives us nuts but also carries the day.

  7. ....

This far I have enjoyed South Sudan, Nigeria, Malawi (take me back to Malawi) and currently Sudan. Such an adventure, such a story, such changing of lives (inshallah), such pain too and indeed some good money as expected. If you ask me whether I will continue on this path, I don't know, but my pillar is the solid family support , especially my sister who cares for my babies. The experience is painfully humbling and has made me open minded much more. If this helps, join us - not always easy to get a mission, a good one, but why not tryyyyyyyyyyy.

One love!

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